Saturday, October 9, 2010

Lesson in "Self-Sabatoge"...Cider Mill.......

A friend just happened to pop over unexpectedly wanting to go the FORBIDDEN "Cider Mill", for an 1hr. and 1/2 I tossed it around in my head to go or not to go, back and forth. I finally agreed to go though would have a different approach. Usually I ONLY went to go because I LOVED the cider and YUMMY doughnuts. This time I really focused on  the atmosphere and my lovely company! It worked oddly enough! I walked around, noshed on the most beautiful Honey crisp ever, the cute guy behind the counter gave it to me for free, I asked again, "are you sure" he said " absolutely!" so nice!! ( he was pretty hot if I may say so myself...:o)) we then sat outside watching the ducks, horse rides and busy bees that drove us inside. Had a few small doughnuts and cider and then made like a banana and split:o). VERY soon after I rang my Father to ask if he would like the remainder of the cider and doughnuts, I wanted them as far from me as possible. So off to his house we were to unload the remainder of the stash!! Though it only took maybe 5 minutes from eating a doughnut and I was SICK as a DOG!!! They are sssooooooooo greasy and I never eat anything greasy, EVER, except for last year when I came here and got sick.....really. Long story short, I had BIG plans for today that I put off again because I came home and laid around all day because I was so sick! In the end realized it was my way of sabotaging my success. So no more. I will be up late completing the tasks I so easily Blew Off for a quick bite of yummy doughnuts!! Lesson Learned!

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